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VICTORIA GUALICIA: The emergence of an eclectic and original French brand

Alumni Stories



France's fashion scene is evolving, extending its frontiers beyond the great gateways of prestigious Fashion Weeks

such as Paris. In this dynamic, constant search for new talent, the brand

Victoria GUALICIA, embodying a singular concept of universal fashion. Founded in 2020 by Victoria Guéguen, this brand represents a harmonious blend of originality and eclecticism, offering unique and exclusive pieces.

Victoria Guéguen, the passionate designer behind this brand, has nurtured her passion for fashion from an early age.

By the age of seven, she was already dreaming of bringing her fashion sketches to life. Her fascination with the world of fashion led her to

magazines, follow fashion shows on TV and even transform her mother's scarves into clothes, thus giving her mother's scarves into garments, giving hand sewing a try.

This precocious passion paved the way for in-depth training in styling, pattern-making and couture at ESMOD Rennes and Paris. Armed with this expertise, Victoria Guéguen turned her dream into reality by creating the brand Victoria GUALICIA,

based on the innovative concept of universal fashion.

The brand's uniqueness lies in its desire to make fashion accessible to all, by designing high-end collections in a variety of styles.

collections composed of multiple styles. Each piece is designed to adapt to different tastes and personalities, while

unique identity. Another distinctive aspect of the brand is the production of limited series or one-off pieces,

offering an exclusivity sought after by discerning fashion lovers.

Victoria GUALICIA's creations embody a subtle blend of colors and materials. The designer loves

linen, cotton, silk, wax, woodin, bazin, guipure and woven pagne, sometimes adorned with delicate

embroidery. Connoisseurs will often notice the presence of cowries, lucky shells with sacred power, subtly integrated subtly into her creations.

The limited series and one-off collections are mainly available on the brand's website and at the at the Renaissance Boutique, located in the heart of the Galerie Héliopolis in Cap d'Agde.

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